Risky Adolescent Pathways
(+denotes publications with mentored graduate or undergraduate student or postdoctoral trainee)
2024 +Elvin, O., Modecki, K.L., & Waters, A. (2024). An expanded conceptual framework for understanding irritability in childhood: The role of cognitive control processes. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review.
2024 +Speechley, M., Stuart, J. & Modecki, K.L. (2024). It starts with a feeling: A novel, contemporary framework of diverse gender identity development. Sex Roles.
​2024 Scott, R., Zimmer-Gembeck, M., Gardner, A., Hawes, T., Modecki, K., Duffy, A., Farrell, L. & Waters, A. (2024). Daily use of digital technologies to feel better: Considering prior emotional problems. Journal of Adolescence.
2024 Waters, A. M., Gibson, L., Sluis, R. A., & Modecki, K. L. (2023). Using nightly sleep guidelines to address links between adolescents’ self-reported weekly sleep patterns and anxiety and depression symptoms. Child Psychiatry & Human Development.
2024 Waters, A.M., Sluis, R.A., Usher, W., Farrell, L.J., Donovan, C.L., Modecki, K.L., Zimmer-Gembeck, M.J., Castle, M., & Hinchey, J. (2024). Reaching young people in urban and rural communities with mental health and wellbeing support within a youth sports development program. Child Psychiatry & Human Development
2023 Zimmer-Gembeck, M., Modecki, K.L, Duffy, A., Hawes, T., Farrell, L., Waters, A., +Gardner, A, Shum, D., & Skinner, E. (2023). A pattern-centered analysis of adolescents’ concerns and hopes about future crises: Differences in ways of coping and personal adjustment. Journal of Adolescence.
2023 Hamiliton, K., +Phipps, D., Loxton, N., Modecki, K.L., & Hagger, M. (2023). Reciprocal relations between past behavior, implicit beliefs, and habits: A cross-lagged panel design. Journal of Health Psychology.
2023 Modecki, K.L., Ryan, K, & Waters, A. (2023). Fear learning and extinction predicts anxiety in daily life: A study of Pavlovian conditioning and ecological momentary assessments. Psychological Medicine.
2022 Modecki, K.L., +Phipps, D., +Cox, A., Loxton, N., Hamilton, K., +Caton, N., & +Elwin, M. (2022). Unravelling reciprocal effects among young adults’ binge drinking, stress, and anticipated regret. Addictive Behaviors.
2022 +Elvin, O., Modecki, K.M., & Waters, A. (2022). The feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of positive search training for irritable Youth: A single-case experimental design. Behaviour Change.
2022 Waters, A., Sluis, R., Ryan, K., Usher, W., Farrell, L., Donovan, C., Modecki, K.L., Zimmer-Gembeck, M., Castle, M., & Hinchey, J.
(2022). Evaluating the multi-technology delivery of a mental health and wellbeing system of care within a youth sports development program during the COVID-19 pandemic. Behaviour Change.
2022 Waters, A., Sluis, R., Usher, W., Farrell, L., Donovan, C., Modecki, K.L., Zimmer-Gembeck, M., Castle, M., & Hinchey, J.
(2022). Kick-starting youth wellbeing and access to mental health care: Efficacy of an integrated model of care within a junior sports development program. Behaviour Research and Therapy.
2022 +Elvin, O., Modecki, K.M., & Waters, A. (2022). Does irritability predict attention biases toward threat among clinically-anxious youth?European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
2022 Modecki, K.L., Goldberg, R., Wisniewski, P., & Orben, A. (2022). What is digital parenting? A systematic review of past measurement and blueprint for the future. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
2021 Modecki, K.L., +Duvenage, M., Uink, B., Barber, B., & Donovan, C. (2021). Adolescents’ online coping: when less is more, but none is worse. Clinical Psychological Science.
2021 Modecki, K.L., Low-Choy, S., Vasco, D., Vernon. L., & Uink. B. (2021). Smartphone use and parenting: re-stratifying the multiverse for families of young children. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry.
2021 +Masters, M., Zimmer-Gembeck, M., Farrell, L. & Modecki, K.L. (2021). Coping and emotion regulation in response to social stress tasks among young adolescents with and without Social Anxiety. Applied Developmental Science.
2021 Waters, A.M., Sluis, R.A., Farrell, L., Donovan, C., +Elvin, O., Rossow, N, van den Muyzenberg, J., +Dowell, T., Ryan, K., Finch, J., Usher, W., Modecki, K.L, Zimmer-Gembeck, M., & Spence, S. (2021) Examining the feasibility, efficacy and acceptability of the implementation of an integrated mental health and wellbeing system of care for young people. Child Psychiatry and Human Development.
2021 +Duncan, N., Zimmer-Gembeck, M., Gardner, A., & Modecki, K.L. (2021). Resilient responding: Decentering and associations with coping self-efficacy and flexibility, and interpersonal stress and coping responses. Personality & Individual Differences.
2021 +Elvin, O., Modecki, K.L., Finch, J., Donnolle, K., Farrell, L., & Waters, A. (2021). Joining the pieces in childhood irritability: Distinct typologies predict conduct, depressive, and anxiety symptoms. Behaviour Research and Therapy. (co-corresponding author)
2020 Modecki, K.L. (2020) Not just doing time. Distinct typologies of attitudes and emotions among juvenile justice involved youth.
American Journal of Community Psychology.
2020 Modecki, K.L, Low-Choy, S., Uink, B., Vernon. L., & Correia, H. (2020). Tuning into the real effect of smartphone use on parenting: A multiverse analysis. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry.
2020 +Dowell, T., Waters, A., Usher, W., Farrell, L., Donovan, C., Modecki, K.L. Zimmer-Gembeck, M., Castle, M., & Hinchey, J. (2020). Tackling mental health in youth sporting programs: A pilot study of a holistic program. Child Psychiatry and Human Development.
2020 +Gardener, A., Zimmer-Gembeck, M., & Modecki, K.L (2020). A longitudinal model of rejection sensitivity and internalizing symptoms: Testing emotion regulation deficits as a mechanism and outcome of symptoms. Journal of Personality.
2020 Modecki, K.L., +Murphy, L., Waters, A. (2020). Exposure to violence and neglect images differentially influence fear learning and extinction. Biological Psychology, 151.
2020 +Duvenage, M., Correia, H., Uink, B., Barber, B., Donovan, C. Modecki, K.L, (2020). Technology can sting when reality bites: Adolescents’ frequent online coping ineffective with momentary stress. Computers in Human Behavior. (corresponding author)
2019 Modecki, K.L., Goldberg, R., Ehrenreich, S., Russell, M., & Bellmore, A. (2019). The practicalities and perils of ambulatory assessment’s promise: Introduction to a special section. Journal of Research on Adolescence, (29)3, 542-550.
2019 +Tatnell, D., Loxton, N., Modecki, K.L., & Hamilton, K. (2019). Testing a model of reward sensitivity, implicit and explicit drinker identity and hazardous drinking. Psychology & Health.
2019 +Duvenage, M., +Uink, B., Zimmer-Gembeck, M., Barber, B.L., Donovan, C., & Modecki, K.L. (2019). Ambulatory assessment of adolescent coping: It’s a complicated process. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 29(3), 578-594. (corresponding author)
2019 Hagan, M., Modecki, K.L., Moctezuma, L., Luecken, L., Wolchik, S. & Sandler, I. (2019). Binge drinking in adolescence predicts attenuated cortisol reactivity in young adulthood. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 100, 137-144.
2018 Modecki, K.L., +Blomfield-Niera, C., & Barber, B.L. (2018). Finding what fits: Breadth of participation at the transition to high school mitigates declines in self-concept. Developmental Psychology, 54(10), 1954-1970 First and second authors contributed equally.
2018 +Uink, B., Modecki, K.L., Barber, B.L., Correia, H. (2018). Disadvantaged adolescents with elevated externalizing show heightened emotional reactivity to daily stress: An experience sampling study. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 49(5). 741-756.
2018 +Vernon, Modecki, K.L., & Barber, B.L. (2018). Mobile phones in the bedroom: Trajectories of sleep habits and subsequent adolescent psychosocial development. Child Development, 89(1), 66-77.
2017 Modecki, K.L., & Mazza, G. (2017) Are we making the most of ecological momentary assessment data? A comment on Richardson, Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, O'Donnell, Ling, & Staiger, 2017. Health Psychology Review, 11(3), 295-297.
2017 +Uink, B., Modecki, K.L., & Barber, B. (2017). Disadvantaged youth are less emotionally reactive to minor stressors when with peers: An experience sampling study. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 41(4), 41-51.
2017 +Drane, C., Modecki, K.L., & Barber, B.L. (2017). Disentangling development of sensation seeking, risky peers, and binge drinking in adolescent sport. Addictive Behaviors. 66, 60-65.
2017 Modecki, K.L., Zimmer-Gembeck, M., & Guerra, N. (2017). Emotion regulation, coping and decision-making: Three linked skills for preventing externalizing problems in adolescence. Child Development, 88(2).
2017 +Vernon, Modecki, K.L., & Barber, B.L. (2017). Tracking effects of problematic social networking on adolescent psychopathology: The mediating role of sleep disruptions. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 46(2), 269-283.
2016 Centifanti, M. L., Modecki, K.L., Wolf, S., & Gowling, H. (2016). Driving under the influence of risky peers: An experimental study of adolescent risk taking. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 26(1), 207-222.
2016 +McCabe, K., Modecki, K.L., & Barber, B.L. (2016). Can activity settings protect against adolescents’ risky substance use, even beyond development of conscientiousness ? Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 45, 2292-2306.
2016 Modecki, K.L. (2016). Do risks matter? Variable and person-centered approaches to adolescents' problem behavior. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 42, 8-20.
2016 Hagan, M., Leucken, L., Modecki, K.L., Wolchik, S. & Sandler, I. (2016). Childhood emotional reactivity predicts bio-behavioral dysregulation nine years later. Emotion. 16(6), 877-885.
2015 +Vernon, L., Barber, B., & Modecki, K.L. (2015). Adolescent problematic social networking and school experiences: The mediating effects of sleep disruptions and sleep quality. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18(7), 386-392.
2015 Dawes, N., Modecki, K.L., Gonzales, N., Dumka, L., & Millsap, R. (2015). Mexican-origin youth participation in extracurricular activities: Predicting trajectories of involvement from 7th to 12th grade. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44(11), 2172-2188.
2015 Modecki, K.L., Hagan, M., & Sandler, I., Wolchik, S. (2015). Latent profiles of non-residential fathers six years after divorce: Predicting long term offspring outcomes. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 44(1), 123-136.
2014 Guerra, N., Modecki, K.L., & Cunningham, W. (2014). Developing social-emotional skills for the labor market: The PRACTICE model. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 7123.
2014 Modecki, K.L., +Minchin, J., Harbaugh, G., Guerra, N., & Runions, K.C. (2014). Bullying prevalence across contexts: A meta-analysis measuring cyber and traditional bullying. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55(5), 602-611.
2014 Modecki, K.L., Barber, B.L., Eccles, J.E. (2014). Binge drinking trajectories across adolescence: Extra-curricular activities are protective for youth with early pubertal development. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54 (1), 61-66.
2014 Rebellon, C.J. & Modecki, K.L. (2014) Accounting for projection bias in models of delinquent peer influence: The utility and limits of latent variable approaches. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 30(2), 163-186.
2013 Centifanti L.M., & Modecki, K.L. (2013). Throwing caution to the wind: Callous-unemotional traits and risk taking in adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 42(1) 106-119.
2013 Modecki, K.L., Barber, B.L., & +Vernon, L. (2013). Mapping developmental precursors of cyber-aggression: Trajectories of risk predict perpetration and victimization. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(5), 651-661.
2013 Runions, K., Shapka, J., Dooley, J., & Modecki, K.L. (2013). Cyber aggression, victimization and social information processing: Addressing the medium and the message. Psychology of Violence, 3(1) 9-26.
2010 and Prior
2010 Chassin, L., Dimitrieva, J., Modecki, K.L., Steinberg, L., Cauffman, E., Piquero, A., Knight, G., & Losoya, S. (2010). Does adolescent substance use predict depressed growth in psychosocial maturity? Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 24 (1), 48-60.
2009 Modecki, K.L. & Wilson, M.N. (2009). Associations between individual and family level characteristics and parenting practices in incarcerated African American fathers. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 18(5) 530-540.
2009 Modecki, K.L. (2009). “It’s a rush”: Psychosocial content of antisocial decision making. Law and Human Behavior, 33(3), 183-193.
2008 Modecki, K.L. (2008). Addressing gaps in the maturity of judgment literature: Age differences and delinquency. Law and Human Behavior, 32(1), 78-91.
Cited in Amicus Curiae Brief submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court:
American Psychological Association; American Psychiatric Association; National Association of Social Workers (Miller V. Alabama)
American Psychological Association (Graham V. Florida)
American Psychological Association; Juvenile Law Center (JDB V. State of North Carolina)
Juvenile Law Center (Watson V. People of the State of Illinois)
2007 Cohn, E.S. & Modecki, K.L. (2007). Gender differences in predicting delinquent behavior: Do individual differences matter? Social Behavior and Personality, 35(3), 359-373.
2006 Banyard, V.L., Cross, C., & Modecki, K.L. (2006). Interpersonal violence in adolescence: Ecological correlates of self-reported perpetration. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21(10), 1314-1331.
Journal Publications
2023 Modecki, K.L., +Duvenage, M., Zimmer-Gembeck, +Robbins, S. & Uink, B. (2023). Capturing coping: Innovative designs and
considerations for studying the topography of adolescents’ coping. In (Ed.) Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck & Ellen Skinner. The Handbook on the Development of Coping.
2021 Modecki, K.L, Buckley, L., & Hamilton K. (2021). Adolescent alcohol use and development: layered environmental contexts and agents for change. In (Ed.) Richard Cooke & Martin Hagger. The Handbook of the Psychology of Alcohol Consumption. Palgrave, Macmillan.
2019 +Elvin, O., Ryan, K. M., Modecki, K.L, & Waters, A. M. (2019). Attentional biases in children and adolescents. In. (Ed.) Kathrin Cohen Kadosh. Oxford University Press Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford Press: London.
2017 Modecki, K.L. (2017). Adolescent development and clinical and legal implications. In W.D. Murphy & S. Righthand (Eds.), Safer Society Book on Adolescents who Sexually Abuse, pp1-24.
2017 Modecki, K.L. & +Uink, B. How can developmental psychopathology influence social and legal policy? Adolescence, mental health, and decision making. In D. Williams & L. Certifanti (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology.
2015 Williamson, A.A., Modecki, K.L., & Guerra, N.G. Evidence-based programming in diverse settings: high school. In J. Durlak, T. Gullotta, C. Domitrovich, P. Goren, & R. Weissberg (Eds.), The Handbook of Social and Emotional Learning.
2008 Guerra, N., Williams, K, Tolan, P., & Modecki, K.L. Theoretical and research advances in understanding youth crime. In R.D. Hoge, N. Guerra, & P. Boxer (Eds.), The Juvenile Offender: Treatment Approaches. New York: Guilford Press.
White Papers
2022 Vernon, L., Modecki, K.L., & Austin, K. (2022). Understanding wellbeing challenges for university students during crisis disruption. National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education.
2018 Modecki, K.L., +Uink, B., & Barber, B.L. Understanding delinquency during the teenage years: Developmental pathways of antisocial decision making. Australian Institute of Criminology: Trends and Issues in Crime and Justice.
2016 Abbott, B.D., Barber, B.L., +Uink, B., Modecki, K.L., & Correia, H. Young people and social anxiety: Mood, technology use and wellbeing of young people experiencing social anxiety. Melbourne, Australia: Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre.
2015 Abbott, B.D., Barber, B.L., +Uink, B. & Modecki, K.L. The Young and Well CRC Standard
Measures: descriptive and psychometric Data from a sample of vulnerable young people. Melbourne, Australia: Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre.
2014 Abbott, B., +Uink, B., Modecki, K.L., & Barber, B. “How do you feel?”: An experience sampling method pilot study for adolescent behaviour, emotion and technology using smartphones. Melbourne, Australia: Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre.
2006 Modecki, K.L. Summative evaluation guidelines for Outward Bound Youth At-Risk Programs. Jacksonville, FL: Outward Bound.